Board Of Directors
Name | Designation | DIN No. |
Vijay C Shah | Chairman & Managing Director | 00038062 |
Sanket V Shah | Managing Director | 00038121 |
Nalini V Shah | Whole-time Director | 00119538 |
Surendrasinh R Bihola | DIN (Non executive independent director) | 10741727 |
Vishal Mekhiya | DIN (Non executive independent director) | 10741822 |
Ketan C Limbachia | DIN (Non executive independent director) | 10830670 |

Audit Committee
The Committee oversees the Company’s financial reporting process to ensure proper disclosure of financial information, recommends appointment/removal of Statutory and internal Auditors , fixes their remuneration, reviews the accounting and financial policies and practices, internal control systems, quarterly, half yearly and annual audited / un-audited financial results before submission to the Board.
Name | Designation |
Surendra | Chairman |
Sanket Shah | Member |
Vishal Mekhiya | Non executive independent Director |

Remuneration Committee
The Committee performs functions enumerated in Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement as also Schedule XIII of the Companies Act, 1956 and recommends to the Board the remuneration payable to executive directors. The Committee recommends the remuneration package after considering factors such as experience, expertise, position, responsibilities to be shouldered by the individual, leadership qualities, the volume of Company’s business and profits earned by it.
Name | Designation |
Kiranbhai Shah | Chairman |
Mahendra K Gosalia | Member |
Sanket Shah | Member |

Share Holders & Investor's
The Committee oversees functioning of the Investors’ Services Department covering all facets of the operations including transfer of shares in physical form, dematerialization of shares and activities related to dividend and depository operations. The Committee also closely monitors investor grievance redressal system of the department.
Name | Designation |
Vijay Shah | Chairman |
Mahendra K Gosalia | Member |
Sanket Shah | Member |